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Method 1

curl -L | bash
curl | bash

Method 3 (clone repo)

git clone
bash pivpn/auto_install/

To install from Test/Development branch

curl -L | TESTING= bash

Non-interactive installation

You can run the PiVPN installer from within scripts using the --unattended command line option provided with a .conf file. You can find examples here.

curl -L >
chmod +x
./ --unattended options.conf

It's not required to specify all options. If some of them are missing, they will be filled with defaults or generated at runtime if it can be done unambiguously. For example if you have just one network interface, such interface will be used but if you have more, the script will stop.

If not specified, IPv4addr and IPv4gw default to the current network settings, pivpnHOST to the public IP, pivpnSEARCHDOMAIN to empty. Rest of the default options are in the examples.

The options provided must make sense in relation to each other, for example you can't use TWO_POINT_FOUR=1 with pivpnENCRYPT=2048.

To install from custom git url and branch (for DEV)

This is inteded to be used when testing changes during development and not for standard installations. Without this the script will always checkout the master branch.

  • Git repo can be pivpn or any other git repo (e.g. a fork).
  • Git branch can be specified as required


git clone < customgitrepourl >
bash pivpn/auto_install/ --giturl < customgitrepourl > --gitbranch < customgitbranch >


git clone
bash pivpn/auto_install/ --giturl --gitbranch myfeaturebranch

The unattended setup config also supports a custom giturl and branch.




  • Bash
    • apk add bash
  • busybox openrc initscripts
    • v3.16 or earlier
      • apk add busybox-initscripts
    • v3.17+
      • apk add busybox-openrc
  • run as root or have sudo installed
    • apk add sudo; echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/wheel

Enable the community repository

AWS Cloud Images (AMI)

On AWS sudo is is not available by default in the the Alpine AMI'and you should use doas to install the required dependencies.

doas su
apk add bash
apk add busybox-initscripts
apk add sudo
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL' > wheel
mv wheel /etc/sudoers.d/
chown root:root /etc/sudoers.d/wheel

Docker (experimental)

It is currently possible to use PiVPN on Alpine Containers

  • The container should meet the Alpine requirements
  • The container should run with --cap_add NET_ADMIN
  • The container needs to have access to /sys/fs/cgroup (-v /sys/fs/cgroup or VOLUME [ "/sys/fs/cgroup" ] in the Dockerfile)


This is experimental and we are not providing offical support or images.

Sharing PiVPN/Wireguard/OpenVPN Images is not advised

Feel free to open a Discussion

Updating pivpn

VPN protocols are updated via system package manager


Read Updating OpenVPN or Updating Wireguard for information on how to update the VPN protocol.


If at any point you wish to remove PiVPN from your Pi and revert it to a pre-installation state, such as if you want to undo a failed installation to try again or you want to remove PiVPN without installing a fresh Raspbian image, just run pivpn uninstall.